Produced by the Fratelli Industry, the largest producer of hearts of palm in Paraná and which is situated in the region of Guaraqueçaba and Antonina, the Qualidoro hearts of palm undergo advanced techniques of cultivation and bottling to reach the end consumer with maximum quality.
With two factories and five farms, Fratelli has 1235 acres of land for the planting of hearts of palm, which are grown over 4 million plants, and a manufacturing area with 4 thousand square meters and production capacity of 260 tons of hearts of palm per month.
Learn more about the Fratelli – Preservation and Life
acres of land
tons of hearts of palm per month.
million palm plants under cultivation
Products of incomparable tenderness, flavor and texture that are indispensable to your recipes – from the housewife to the most renowned chef. Try Qualidoro and add more flavor and sophistication to your day to day.
Send your message using the form below:
Office: Rua Alcides Terézio de Carvalho, 300
Curitiba – Paraná – Brasil
+55 41 3079-2272 |